Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Dr. Politics

If you like government policy and hate pre-medical science, political science may be for you. I interviewed Professor Stephen Schmidt, also known as â€Å"Dr. Politics† and senior Katie Gilbert. Professor Schmidt teaches political science classes, specializing in Latin Studies and Internet courses. He also has a weekly radio show on WPOL, where his nickname â€Å"Dr. Politics† began. He has been doing the radio show for fifteen years as volunteer work. Katie began college wanting to work with government policy and public relations. She started her freshman year in political science. Unlike Professor Schmidt, Katie has learned to keep good study plans since she was a freshman. Professor Schmidt began his college career in pre-medical science. After two years of failing classes in science and math, he noticed that he got good grades in political science classes and other classes that intertwine political science. So after learning how to make a good balance between personal life and school, Professor Schmidt began to enjoy school and received passing grades. Professor Schmidt has been teaching at Iowa State University for thirty-two years. He has taught many classes from American Government and Law to Latino Studies to Internet classes. His future plans including learning oceans policies, which deals with things like pollution and coral reefs. This way he can tie some of his favorite hobbies like boating and scuba diving into his future classes. From the reputation that Professor Schmidt has created through his radio show he has been a major source for the media during election years. He has been on national radio talk shows and quoted in newspapers such as The New York Times. Usually weeks before the Iowa Caucuses, he has more than fifteen messages from the media to get back to during one day. I explained to both interviewees my future plans to work into running for public office. Katie told me that downfalls to public office... Free Essays on Dr. Politics Free Essays on Dr. Politics If you like government policy and hate pre-medical science, political science may be for you. I interviewed Professor Stephen Schmidt, also known as â€Å"Dr. Politics† and senior Katie Gilbert. Professor Schmidt teaches political science classes, specializing in Latin Studies and Internet courses. He also has a weekly radio show on WPOL, where his nickname â€Å"Dr. Politics† began. He has been doing the radio show for fifteen years as volunteer work. Katie began college wanting to work with government policy and public relations. She started her freshman year in political science. Unlike Professor Schmidt, Katie has learned to keep good study plans since she was a freshman. Professor Schmidt began his college career in pre-medical science. After two years of failing classes in science and math, he noticed that he got good grades in political science classes and other classes that intertwine political science. So after learning how to make a good balance between personal life and school, Professor Schmidt began to enjoy school and received passing grades. Professor Schmidt has been teaching at Iowa State University for thirty-two years. He has taught many classes from American Government and Law to Latino Studies to Internet classes. His future plans including learning oceans policies, which deals with things like pollution and coral reefs. This way he can tie some of his favorite hobbies like boating and scuba diving into his future classes. From the reputation that Professor Schmidt has created through his radio show he has been a major source for the media during election years. He has been on national radio talk shows and quoted in newspapers such as The New York Times. Usually weeks before the Iowa Caucuses, he has more than fifteen messages from the media to get back to during one day. I explained to both interviewees my future plans to work into running for public office. Katie told me that downfalls to public office...

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